The originals

Prototyping on OS hardware is pretty great

We have three to four Mo prototypes floating around at any given time running on different OS hardware platforms. Why would we do something like this? Well, in part because it's fun to test the Mo camera sdk on different platforms and the other part is because we want to make Mo hackable.

What is the benefit of a hackable smart camera? Mo is hackable in a way that allows people without a computer vision background to make computer vision enabled hardware and software. When we started Mo we saw that most smart cameras were beginning to create walled gardens around their ecosystems in order to capture that sweet, sweet market share. This is good for those companies but bad for people trying to use smart cameras in a smart home ecosystem to trigger specific events.

We want to change that.

So, long story short. In addition to creating an out-of-the-box, polished camera for your average user we're using what we learned with our prototypes to open up AI and CV enabled cameras to as many people as possible.

Here are a few pictures of early Mo prototypes...

Mo One - We've come a long way lol

Pumkin switch

We also test heavily on smaller boards

The guts

Testing battery life with the first battery powered version of Mo

Pumkin switch

Before you go...

Mo is still in development but will be available soon. Request an invite to be the first to use Mo!