Mo comes with an easy to use companion app used for everything from hooking Mo up to your local wifi connection to setting up streams and notifications. You also get a list of "hits" or video clips of what Mo saw and can choose to anonamously submit these clips to help developers improve their skills.
Mo has a wide variety of skills you can get from our skill repository. Skills include identifying pets, people, vehicles, birds, and more! The list keeps expanding because developers can make new skills and share them with other users.
A stream is what Mo uses as a video source. The main example of a stream is Mo Camera, alternatively users can use many other video source including existing web cams, set up streams directly from Twitch, Youtube, and more!
A skill + a stream = a task. They are like commands that tell Mo when to notify you. It's like saying, "Mo, when you see a cat (skill) walk past my camera (stream) let me know."
Mo doesn't just ping your phone with notifications, it is also able to notify you by email or webhooks. This allows you to trigger any task in your smart home or online workflows with IFTTT or Zapier.
When you get a notification Mo sends you a short clip of what it saw. Share these with your friends if you wish and/or share anonamously with skill developers to help improve Mo' functionality.